Overheard in DMV suburbs Gym

Nicole H.
2 min readMay 24, 2022

Quite an interesting hour and half — went for my free consultation training session. His conclusion in a lack of better words was “You’re healthy but weak.” Starting off with questions about my daily life — He asked me about my indulgences. My answer: Do oranges count as indulgences? Then he asked me how much alcohol I consume and he voluntarily disclosed that he X servings in any given week before I told him that I’m effectively more or less allergic to alcohol so I can at best drink half a glass. At this point I think he concluded I am “healthy” Then he yawned and started telling me how he hasn’t slept for 3 days because he is a full time student but he wants to quit because his passion lies in fitness training (FT) and that he is also managing a business. I asked him what his business was and he said he is developing FT plans apps and he has a sport sponsorship of some sort so the goal is to roll this FT out at at low cost accessible for everyone — very noble idea and cool idea. Then I told him I dont really like “working out” and barely lift weights and he goes” but WHAT? Why? And proceeded to tell me that he was 20 yr and 100 lbs at 6 ft 1. Idk how old he is now but he changed that and now hes 250 lbs and hes still not satisfied and his goal is to work out until he can’t even fit in the polo shirt he was wearing ( hes in an XL now) but he wanted to not even be able to fit a 3x XL and that he wants to be able to sit on the bed and make it go plop on his weight. During the workout his phone was obviously much more interesting to him than watching me struggle with no weights and dying. At the end of 3 exercises. Also… (clipped version) but not all islands are beaches and tropical weather with coconuts.

Moral of the story: I need to work out more. Got it.

